Get involved: Closca community
One of the most important lessons we have learned in recent years is that dreaming is great, but acting is even better. What if Leonardo Da Vinci had only drawn his ideas but never put them into pr...
Architecture & Environment: Anna Devís & Daniel Rueda
Closca Inspiring People
On average we receive 7,000 messages daily (half of them are ads!): tv, social media, whatsapp... We get and consume so much information that, on many occasions, we don’t reflect about what this da...
Carlos Ferrando (Closca Founder) and Marc Simoncini (Angell Bike Founder) never met each other but they’ve always had the same goal in mind: help people to help the planet. Therefore, it was natura...
Cyber monday: technology with purpose
Technology is an inherent part of our lives. From the moment we wake up with our cell phone alarm, to the series we watch on our smart tv at night, to the searching we do on our phones. It is clear...
We are living a complicated year, in which uncertainty has taken over our lives. Lockdowns, restrictions but, above all, the continuous fight against this virus are taking their toll. But as we hav...