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The new micromobility in the post-Covid era

The new micromobility in the post-Covid era

Micromobility is the new normal. This “normal” imposes on us a change in our lifestyle. Social distance, strict hygiene measures (and fear of outbreaks) have made us, as a society, rethink our pers...

Closca107.000 masks donated by you

107.000 masks donated by you

Did you know Closca mask project was born with the purpose of making the mask an icon of change? But not towards the 'new normal' that politicians talk about but the New Normal of changes in our ha...

CloscaClosca's Mask, Logbook

Closca's Mask, Logbook

March 14th BEGINNING OF THE STATE OF ALARM The state of alarm has begun in Spain and we are starting to get scared of the very dangerous situation we are seeing. Many companies have stopped work...

WaterWorld Oceans Day 2020

World Oceans Day 2020

For the past few months the main focus of conversation has been around the current COVID health crisis. This has been a cause for reflexion on the effect of human activity to our health and the hea...

CloscaWorld Environment Day. The time of the planet has come

World Environment Day. The time of the planet has come

A day does not have to be fixed in a calendar to be important, but in this case, it is. Today 5th June is World Environment Day, a date set by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness...



The human being is formidable. We have the capacity to feel empathy, kindness and affection for people and in the most overwhelming situations, like the one we are living at present, we know how to...